General Terms/Splošni Pogoji Poslovanja


  • These general terms and conditions of the website, managed by the company Skupina Svetilnik d.o.o, with the business address Ljubljana, Cesta 24. Junija 25, 1231 Ljubljana – Črnuče and registration number 6345379000 (company “,” we “and” us “) determine the operation of the website, the rights and obligations of the user and us and regulate the business relationship between us and the client or user. The subscriber or user is bound by the general conditions that are valid at the time of placing the order on the website and during the duration of his subscription.
  • Each time you place an order, you will be reminded of these general terms and conditions and you will need to confirm that you are familiar with them. By agreeing to these general terms and conditions, you also confirm that you will use our service offered on this website exclusively for your use and non-commercial purposes. Please read these general terms and conditions carefully and keep them if necessary. If you do not agree to these general terms and conditions, please stop using our website and our services immediately.
  • Ti splošni pogoji spletne strani, ki jo upravlja družba Skupina Svetilnik d.o.o., s poslovnim naslovom Ljubljana, Cesta 24. junija 25, 1231 Ljubljana – Črnuče in matično številko 6345379000 (»družba«, »mi« in »nas«) določajo delovanje spletne strani, pravice in obveznosti uporabnika in nas ter urejajo poslovni odnos med nami in naročnikom oziroma uporabnikom. Naročnika oziroma uporabnika zavezujejo splošni pogoji, ki so veljavni v trenutku oddaje naročila na spletni strani ter v času trajanja njegovega naročniškega razmerja.
  • Ob vsakokratnem naročilu boste opozorjeni na te splošne pogoje poslovanja in boste morali potrditi vašo seznanjenost z njimi. S strinjanjem s temi splošnimi pogoji tudi potrjujete, da boste našo storitev, ki jo ponujamo na tej spletni strani, uporabljali izključno za lastno uporabo in za nekomercialne namene. Prosimo, da te splošne pogoje poslovanja natančno preberete in si jih po potrebi shranite. Če se ne strinjate s temi splošnimi pogoji prosimo, da nemudoma prenehate uporabljati našo spletno stran in naše storitve.

Website service/Storitev na spletni strani

  • The service we offer on our website is the service of streaming recordings of theatrical and other performances and other materials related to them.
  • Storitev, ki jo ponujamo na naši spletni strani je storitev predvajanja posnetkov gledaliških in drugih predstav ter drugih materialov, povezanih z njimi.

Use of service and website/Uporaba storitve in vaša uporaba naše strani

  • The website provides video content intended for your private and non-commercial use. Among other things, there are short video clips and a gallery of pictures, with which we present our theatrical plays and other recordings, and which are available to you free of charge.
  • To view the entire video, it is necessary to enter into a subscription relationship with us as explained in these general terms and conditions.
  • By using our website and our services, you confirm that you use them only for private and non-commercial purposes. You may not use the content of our website for educational purposes.
  • You may not copy, store or otherwise reproduce the Content that you access by subscribing, in whole or in part, or with automatic devices, or manually.
  • You must use the Website and the Content in a manner that will not damage, disable, weaken or overload the Website.
  • We strive to provide you with constant and uninterrupted access to our website, but we are not responsible in the event of access disruptions due to system errors, maintenance or other reasons beyond our control.
  • In the event of a prolonged disruption, we will ensure that your access is extended for an appropriate disruption time.
  • We also cannot guarantee that our website and the content on it will work on your chosen device.
  • You are responsible for arranging access to the Internet and other technical requirements on your site that will allow you to access all the content of our website and our services, and this is not part of our services.
  • In case of inability to access our content for reasons on your part in this paragraph6, where you were able to understand from our specifications what the technical requirements for access are, this cannot be a reason for your withdrawal from the contract and you are not entitled to a refund.
  • Na spletni strani so na voljo video vsebine, ki so namenjene vaši zasebni in nekomercialni uporabi. Med drugim so vam na voljo kratki video izseki ter galerija slik, s katerimi vam predstavimo naše gledališke igre in ostale posnetke, in ki so vam na voljo brezplačno. Za ogled celotnega video posnetka je potrebna sklenitev naročniškega razmerja z nami kot pojasnjeno v teh splošnih pogojih poslovanja.
  • Z uporabo naše spletne strani in naših storitev potrjujete, da jih uporabljate le v zasebne in nekomercialne namene. Vsebin naše spletne strani prav tako ne smete uporabljati za izobraževalne namene.
  • Vsebin, do katerih dostopate s sklenitvijo naročniškega razmerja, ne smete na noben način kopirati, shranjevati ali na drug način reproducirati, niti v celoti niti v delu, niti z avtomatskimi napravami niti ročno.
  • Spletno stran in vsebine morate uporabljati na način, ki ne bo poškodoval, onemogočil, oslabil ali preobremenil spletne strani.
  • Trudimo se, da vam zagotavljamo stalen in nemoten dostop do naše spletne strani, nismo pa odgovorni v kolikor pride do motenj pri dostopu zaradi sistemskih napak, vzdrževanja ali drugih razlogov, ki niso v naši moči. V primeru daljših motenj, bomo zagotovili, da bo vaš dostop za ustrezen čas motenj podaljšan.
  • Prav tako ne moremo zagotoviti, da bodo naša spletna stran ter vsebine na njej delovale na vaši izbrani napravi. Za ureditev dostopa do interneta in ostale tehnične zahteve na vaši strani, ki vam bodo omogočale dostop do vseh vsebin naše spletne strani in naših storitev ste odgovorni sami in to ne predstavlja dela naših storitev. V primeru nezmožnosti dostopa do naših vsebin iz razlogov na vaši strani v tem odstavku6, pri čemer ste iz naših specifikacij lahko razbrali, kakšne so tehnične zahteve za dostop, to ne more biti razlog za vaš odstop od pogodbe in niste upravičeni do povračila denarja.

Subscription/Naročniško razmerje

  • You can access the content of our service by concluding a so-called subscription with us and paying a subscription fee for using the service. The duration of the subscription relationship can be different and you can choose it from the options offered for each specific title of the show. The subscription relationship is always concluded for a certain period, for the time as you choose in the process of submitting an offer for concluding a subscription relationship. At the end of the period, your subscription ends automatically, but you can sign a new one at any time.
  • A separate subscription is concluded for each content and for each different duration, in which case you can use the same registration data as defined in points 5 and 6 below.
  • Do vsebine naše storitve lahko dostopate na način, da z nami sklenete tako imenovano naročniško razmerje in za uporabo storitve plačate naročnino. Trajanje naročniškega razmerja je lahko različno in si ga izberete sami izmed možnosti, ki so ponujene pri vsakem konkretnem naslovu predstave. Naročniško razmerje je vselej sklenjeno za določen čas, in sicer za čas kot ga izberete v postopku oddaje ponudbe za sklenitev naročniškega razmerja. Po izteku obdobja se vaše naročniško razmerje avtomatsko zaključi, lahko pa kadarkoli sklenete novo.
  • Za vsako posamezno vsebino in za vsako različno trajanje se sklene ločeno naročniško razmerje, v katerem pa lahko uporabite enake registracijske podatke, kot opredeljeno v točki 5 in 6 spodaj.

Registration process/Postopek registracije

  • To enter into a subscription with us, you must first fill in the registration form, in which you enter your chosen username, name, surname and e-mail address, and choose a password. Then select the payment method and enter any coupon code. You may not enter into a subscription relationship on behalf of a third party and, if you do so, you are liable for damages and otherwise for any damages and obligations arising from such conduct.
  • You are responsible for securing and securely using your passwords on our website. In case you have forgotten your password, we will provide you with information on setting a new password upon your request. If we find that you violate these general terms and conditions of business when using the website and/or services, we reserve the right to disable your password at any time and thus prevent registration in your registered profile.
  • By clicking “Confirm”, you confirm that all information provided to us during the registration process is true and correct and that you will notify us of any relevant change without undue delay.
  • Za sklenitev naročniškega razmerja z nami morate najprej izpolniti registracijski obrazec, v katerega vnesete svoje izbrano uporabniško ime, ime, priimek ter elektronski naslov, ter si izberete geslo. V nadaljevanju izberete še način plačila ter vnesete morebitno kodo kupona. Naročniškega razmerja ne smete skleniti v imenu tretje osebe in v primeru, da to storite, odškodninsko in drugače odgovarjate za morebitno škodo in obveznosti, ki izhajajo iz takega ravnanja.
  • Sami ste odgovorni za zavarovanje in varno uporabo vaših gesel na naši spletni strani. V primeru, da ste pozabili vaše geslo, vam bomo na vašo zahtevo posredovali podatke za nastavitev novega gesla. V primeru da ugotovimo, da pri uporabi spletne strani in/ali storitev kršite te splošne pogoje poslovanja, si pridržujemo pravico, da v katerem koli trenutku onemogočimo vaše geslo in s tem preprečimo vpis v vaš registrirani profil.
  • S klikom na »Potrdi« potrjujete, da so vsi podatki, ki nam jih zagotovite v postopku registracije resnični in pravilni ter da nas boste o vsakršni relevantni spremembi obvestili brez nepotrebnega odlašanja.

Offer, price and your order/Ponudba in cene ter vaše naročilo

  • Each offer of content is available on the website. Each of the recordings available on our website is accompanied by a title, a brief description and a short clip, based on which you decide whether you want to gain access to the content by concluding a subscription. Along with each content, the options for the duration of concluding a subscription relationship and the prices for each duration are also listed.
  • The prices as stated at the time of concluding an individual subscription apply to each access order. Any renewal of the subscription relationship (in the form of a new order to access the same recording) is subject to prices as published at the time of this new order and which may be different from the prices at the time of the first order.
  • By clicking on “Confirm”, we consider that you have sent us an offer to enter into a subscription. When we receive your offer for an order, we will send you a confirmation of acceptance of the offer and an invoice for the paid service to the e-mail address that you will provide to us during the registration process. This is a valid conclusion of our subscription, and we will charge your chosen means of payment for the agreed amount.
  • All prices include VAT.
  • Vsakokratna ponudba vsebin je dostopna na spletni strani. Ob vsakem od posnetkov, ki je na voljo na naši spletni strani, je naveden naslov, kratek opis ter krajši posnetek, na podlagi česar se odločite, ali želite pridobiti dostop do vsebine s sklenitvijo naročniškega razmerja. Ob vsaki vsebini so navedene tudi možnosti trajanja sklenitve naročniškega razmerja ter cene za vsako posamezno trajanje.
  • Za vsako posamezno naročilo dostopa veljajo cene kot so navedene v trenutku sklenitve posameznega naročniškega razmerja. Za morebitno podaljšanje naročniškega razmerja (v obliki novega naročila dostopa do istega posnetka) veljajo cene, kot so objavljene v trenutku tega novega naročila in ki so lahko drugačne od cen v trenutku prvega naročila.
  • S klikom na »Potrdi« štejemo, da ste nam poslali ponudbo za sklenitev naročniškega razmerja. Ko prejmemo vašo ponudbo za naročilo, vam bomo na elektronski naslov, ki nam ga boste posredovali v postopku registracije, poslali potrdilo o sprejemu ponudbe ter račun za plačano storitev. S tem je veljavno sklenjeno naše naročniško razmerje, vaše izbrano plačilno sredstvo pa bomo bremenili za dogovorjeni znesek.
  • Vse cene vključujejo DDV.

Payment method/Načini plačila

  • The subscription can be paid in the ways indicated during your registration process or the new ordering process.
  • Gift certificates or coupons that can be used as a means to pay all or part of the subscription can be purchased by prior arrangement. To make an appointment, write to us at You enter the coupon code in the ordering process in the specially marked space.
  • Naročnino je mogoče plačati na načine, kot so navedeni ob vašem postopku registracije ali postopku oddaje novega naročila.
  • Darilne bone oziroma kupone, ki jih je mogoče porabiti kot sredstvo za plačilo celotne ali dela naročnine je mogoče kupiti po predhodnem dogovoru. Za dogovor nam pišite na Kodo kupona vnesete v postopku oddaje naročila v zato posebej označen prostor.

Right of withdrawal and refund policy/Pravica do odstopa od pogodbe in politika vračil

  • According to the Consumer Protection Act (Official Act of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 98/04, as amended), you do not have the right to withdraw from the contract without a reason, as it is a supply of digital content that is not delivered on a tangible medium. In the event of any errors in the provided access to content or the content itself on our website, the general rules and rights guaranteed by the applicable legislation in the field of consumer protection apply.
  • If you unsubscribe from the subscription for no reason, you are not entitled to a refund of the amount paid, but if you request us to do so, we will also delete all your registration data and retain only those data that we must keep for a long time we need them to prove our lawful conduct.
  • Skladno z Zakonom o varstvu potrošnikov (Ur. l. RS, št. 98/04 s spremembami) nimate pravice do odstopa od pogodbe brez razloga, saj gre za dobavo digitalne vsebine, ki se ne dostavi na otipljivem nosilcu podatkov. V primeru morebitnih napak zagotovljene storitve dostopa do vsebin ali same vsebine na naši spletni strani veljajo splošna pravila in pravice, ki jih zagotavlja veljavna zakonodaja s področja varstva potrošnikov.
  • V primeru, da se odjavite od naročniškega razmerja brez razloga, nimate pravice do povračila plačanega zneska, bomo pa, če od nas to zahtevate, izbrisali tudi vse vaše registracijske podatke in ohranili le tiste podatke, ki jih moramo dalj časa hraniti po zakonu ali ki jih potrebujemo za dokazovanje našega zakonitega ravnanja.

Age restriction/Starostna omejitev

  • You must be commercially viable to use the Services and our website. Users under the age of 15 must have the consent of their parents or guardians for use and registration.
  • Content that we deem unsuitable for children and minors will be marked accordingly with appropriate acoustic and visual warnings and appropriate symbols, and will only be accessible with technical protection to ensure that children and minors will generally not be able to hear or see.
  • Parents or guardians are obliged to control the use of the website by children under the age of 18, as certain recordings may contain content that may not be suitable for adolescents and minors.
  • Za uporabo storitev in naše spletne strani morate biti poslovno sposobni. Uporabniki, ki so mlajši od 15 let, morajo imeti za uporabo in registracijo soglasje staršev oziroma skrbnikov.
  • Za vsebine, za katere ocenjujemo, da niso primerne za otroke in mladoletnike, bomo poskrbeli, da bodo temu primerno z ustreznim akustičnim in vizualnim opozorilom ter ustreznim simbolov označene kot take, dostopne pa bodo le s tehnično zaščito, ki bo poskrbela, da jih otroci in mladoletniki praviloma ne bodo mogli slišati ali videti.
  • Starši oziroma skrbniki so dolžni nadzirati uporabo spletne strani s strani mlajših od 18 let, saj lahko določeni posnetki vsebujejo vsebine, ki morda niso primerne za mladostnike in mladoletne osebe.

Personal data protection/Varovanje osebnih podatkov

  • The security of your personal data is extremely important to us, and their collection, use and protection of personal data are regulated in our Personal Data Protection Policy.
  • Our website may contain links to other websites. The Company does not share your personal information with such websites, except in the case of the use of social media buttons or plug-ins. If you follow a link to any of these websites, you are subject to the privacy practices of that website over which the Company has no control and for which the Company cannot assume responsibility.
  • Varnost vaših osebnih podatkov je za nas izjemnega pomena, njihovo zbiranje, uporaba ter varstvo osebnih podatkov pa so urejeni v naši Politiki varstva osebnih podatkov.
  • Naša spletna stran lahko vsebuje povezave do drugih spletnih strani. Družba ne deli vaših osebnih podatkov s takšnimi spletnimi stranmi, razen v primerih uporabe gumbov ali vtičnikov socialnih omrežij. Če sledite povezavi do katere koli od teh spletnih strani, veljajo za vas prakse glede zasebnosti navedene spletne strani, na katere družba nima nobenega vpliva in za katere družba ne more prevzeti odgovornosti.

Intellectual property/Intelektualna lastnina

  • The Company holds the appropriate license for all intellectual property rights on this website and all materials available on the website. The materials available on the website are protected by copyright and / or other intellectual property rights. Content is the exclusive property of the authors and licensees. Any copying, reproduction, display, use, adaptation, modification, adaptation, translation or distribution of the content, in whole or in part, or if it belongs to the company or to a third party who has granted rights to it, by any means, is illegal, not subject to the limited rights granted to the user by concluding a subscription relationship.
  • Subscribers are only granted the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to subscribe to and, on their device, for their own and non-profit purposes, to watch the ordered video during the period for which they have entered into a subscription relationship. Subscribers or users of the Website have no right to copy, disassemble, attempt to obtain the source code, modify or create derivative works from the content or the Website or any part thereof. Possible violations of these prohibitions may lead to prosecution and liability for damages.
  • You agree not to modify or otherwise interfere with, give, rent, sell or otherwise make available to third parties the material you access on our website through your subscription. By using our website or subscribing to us, no license agreement or any other transferred intellectual property is entered into except as defined in point 2 above. By subscribing, you only gain the right to access selected content that you can use for your own, private and non-profit purposes.
  • Družba je imetnik ustrezne licence za vse pravice intelektualne lastnine na tej spletni strani ter za vse materiale, ki so dostopni na spletni strani. Materiali, ki so dostopni na spletni strani so zaščiteni z avtorsko pravico in/ali drugimi pravicami intelektualne lastnine. Vsebina je izključna last avtorjev in imetnikov licence. Vsakršno kopiranje, reproduciranje, prikazovanje, uporaba, adaptacija, sprememba, prilagoditev, prevajanje ali razširjanje vsebine, bodisi v celoti ali deloma, bodisi če pripada družbi bodisi tretji osebi, ki je družbi podelila pravice zanjo, s kakršnim koli postopkom, so nezakoniti, ne glede na omejene pravice, podeljene uporabniku s sklenitvijo naročniškega razmerja.
  • Naročnikom je podeljena le neizključna, neprenosljiva pravica, da se naročijo na, ter na svoji napravi, za lasten in nepridobiten namen, gledajo naročeni videoposnetek v obdobju, za katerega so sklenili naročniško razmerje. Naročniki ali uporabniki spletne strani nimajo pravice na noben način kopirati, razstaviti, poskusiti pridobiti izvorno kodo, spremeniti ali ustvariti izpeljana dela iz vsebin ali spletnega mesta ali katerega koli dela le-teh. Morebitne kršitve teh prepovedi lahko vodijo do sodnega pregona in odškodninske odgovornosti.
  • Zavezujete se, da ne boste spreminjali ali kako drugače posegali v, dajali, oddajali, prodajali ali kako drugače dajali na voljo tretjim osebam materiala, do katerega dostopate na naši spletni strani preko vašega naročniškega razmerja. S tem ko uporabljate našo spletno stran ali z nami sklenete naročniško razmerje, ni sklenjena nobena licenčna pogodba ali na kakršen koli drug način prenesena intelektualna lastnina razen kolikor je opredeljeno v točki 2 zgoraj. S sklenitvijo naročniškega razmerja pridobite zgolj pravico dostopa do izbrane vsebine, ki jo lahko uporabljate za lasten, zasebni in nepridobitni namen.

Limitation of liability/Omejitev odgovornosti

  • You agree to indemnify us for all damages (including, but not limited to, claims, losses, liability, and costs) incurred by us or third parties in your breach of these Terms and Conditions, regardless of who or how they are that arose.
  • In no event shall the Company, its directors, employees, agents, suppliers or partners mentioned on this website be liable, based on a contractual, indemnity or any other claim, for any damage, whether directly or indirectly, accidentally or consequentially. , or of any nature, or for any loss, in particular of a financial or commercial nature, resulting from (non) access to and/or (non) use of this website or any materials ordered through the website, except in so far as the damage caused by us intentionally or out of our gross negligence.

Contract termination/Odpoved pogodbe

  • We may terminate your access to our services at any time if we find that you use our services in violation of these general terms and conditions, including not limited to using the content of this website not as an individual but as a legal entity or for commercial purposes.
  • We may at any time decide not to make any of the content available on our website available in the future, and we are not responsible for such a decision, neither to you nor to a third party, to the extent permitted by applicable law.
  • Kadarkoli lahko prekinemo vaš dostop do naših storitev, v kolikor ugotovimo, da naše storitve uporabljate v nasprotju s temi splošnimi pogoji poslovanja, vključno z a ne omejeno na to, da vsebine s te spletne strani ne uporabljate kot posameznik temveč kot pravna oseba ali za komercialne namene.
  • Kadarkoli se tudi lahko odločimo, da v prihodnje ne bomo več ponujali na voljo katere od vsebin na naši spletni strani, pri čemer za tako odločitev nismo odgovorni ne vam ne tretji osebi, do te mere kolikor to dopušča veljavna zakonodaja.


  • These General Terms and Conditions are subject to change at any time without notice. We will inform you of any changes to the General Terms and Conditions in an appropriate manner by publishing them on the website, and we will also notify you of significant changes via e-mail if you are already our registered user. Your continued use of our website and service means that you accept any changed general terms of use.
  • These general terms and conditions and all relationships arising from the use of our services or website are governed by the law of the Republic of Slovenia. All disputes arising from the use of the website and from these general terms and conditions of business, which the company and the user would not be able to resolve by agreement, are subject to the court with substantive jurisdiction in Ljubljana.
  • If you need support when using our website or our services, you can write to us at
  • Ti splošni pogoji poslovanja se lahko kadarkoli, brez predhodnega obvestila spremenijo. O vsaki spremembi splošnih pogojev poslovanja vas bomo na primeren način obvestili tako, da jih bomo objavili na spletno stran, o pomembnejših spremembah pa vas bomo obvestili tudi preko elektronske pošte, v kolikor ste že naš registriran uporabnik. Vaša nadaljnja uporaba naše spletne strani in storitve pomeni, da sprejemate morebitne spremenjene splošne pogoje uporabe.
  • Za te splošne pogoje ter vsa razmerja, ki izhajajo iz uporabe naših storitev ali spletne strani velja pravo Republike Slovenije. Za vse spore, ki izhajajo iz uporabe spletne strani in iz teh splošnih pogojev poslovanja, ki jih družba in uporabnik ne bi mogla sporazumno rešiti, je pristojno stvarno pristojno sodišče v Ljubljani.
  • Če pri uporabi naše spletne strani ali naših storitev potrebujete podporo, nam lahko pišete na